
It’s a mad world so let’s make it better

We’re crazy about digital. We live and breathe it, except when we don’t. Since it’s the end of the year, and the traditional time for reflection, let us explain.

Not so much about table football

Despark is a team united around our desire to build successful, impactful, human-first digital products. And that is what we do. When we first started out over a decade ago, we made shiny things, clever online experiences, did conceptual yoga and played table football to celebrate. We’re still proud of what we achieved back then. It’s just that we grew up and thought about what the impact of our work could be.

Disconnect in order to connect

We don’t build flashy addictive apps just because that’s what everyone else is doing. Especially not. And we don’t want to engage with ideas we don’t believe in, that we think are fundamentally harmful or manipulative.

We’d rather be out hiking in the mountains than adding unnecessarily to the noise. We see the value in disconnecting in order to see the big picture. It gives us the focus and courage to partner with people who feel the way we do about how to invest, really invest — time, money, depth, understanding, challenge — in harnessing digital to solve problems.

We changed the way we worked because we wanted to make a difference. What does that mean?

It means we dig deep

Despark digs deep - roots of a tree image [Jimmy Chan - Pexels]We go all in to understand your business, your users, your staff, your worries, your competition. We colocate. We do the most thorough discovery phase you’ll have ever experienced. We ask difficult questions, ones you haven’t thought of, until we’re laser focused on what outcome you want and who you want it for. We’re not afraid to draw on our significant expertise and hold strong opinions. We’re not particularly interested in deliverables for deliverables’ sake, we’re interested in delivering impact.

We don’t sweat the small stuff until it’s significant: until that point, we make it our priority to sweat the big stuff.

Yes but what do we actually do?

We help digital startups and innovators turn ideas into business, creating apps and web platforms. We also help mature companies with digital transformation. We work with the technically shy and the technically expert. We’re the quietest bunch of people in an open plan office you’ll ever meet, because we’re the most focused. We’re fun too. Yes you can be both.

Our special areas of interest are health, education and fintech, and we work with private and nonprofit clients across the globe in these and other fields. (We're recognised as a top App Design & Development Company on DesignRush too).

You’re visionaries. You’re amazing

We’re so proud of all the remarkable projects we’ve helped bring into the world. Our clients are visionaries. Just this quarter, we’ve celebrated startup client Altrix as they’ve launched a platform set to save the NHS millions in recruitment fees, and cheered as the first live nursing shift was booked in a hospital.

We’ve been overjoyed as another revolutionary app we’ve poured all our care and expertise into - Dahu - was born, to bring ease and connection to mountain tourism. We’ve rolled out workplace mental health schemes with The Insight Network, and introduced new goal setting functionality for our oldest app client Best Beginnings and the award-winning Baby Buddy app.

Last week we held our annual charity dinner, when we got together with home cooked food, good cheer and gratitude to close out the year and reflect on the one to come.

Despark's annual charity dinnerTogether with CEO Stoyan Ilchev and all the team, we wish you joy, fun and relaxation for the festive season, and a renewed sense of hope and optimism for all the amazing work we can do together in the new year.

Written by

Jo Bradshaw

Writer at Despark - delivering human-first digital products which move the world forward.